Sunday, February 25, 2007

Damn romantics

It was too much. Terror and exhiliration surged through Mamet as he sat looking at the woman from the garden, seated in front of him. He decided he had to say something to her. Slowly he stood and walked down the aisle toward her row. He saw her watching him out of the corner of her eye. He reached the row where she sat and, turning sideways, began moving toward her. Sitting in the seat right next to hers, Mamet felt like a fool. Who introduced themselves during a show? "To hell with it", he thought. "Hi, Im Mamet", he said and extended his hand toward her. She turned her head to look at him and he thought he saw a sort of twinkle in her eyes. She smiled and said, "My name is Mirela, nice to meet you". Mamet's mind was reeling as he tried to think of something suave or clever to say next. Instead, all that came out was, "Would you like to have dinner with me tonight"? Stupid, Mamet thought. I'm absolutely stupid. What the hell kind of a thing is that to say to someone you just barely met. "I'd love too", said Mirela. Mamet stared blankly at her for a few seconds, trying to contemplate what she had just said. Then, like a light bulb turning on, his face lit up and a huge grin appreared. He turned around and walked back up the aisle and out of the theater. It had been years since he had felt this happy. As he walked back toward Thallow Flats, he played the last four minutes over and over in his head. He couldnt believe it. For the first time in a long time, Mamet was excited. He was allowing these feelings of hope and posotivity to course through him and it was ok. He reached his apartment building. Looking to its left, he saw his lightpost. It was strange how different he felt about that light post from just a short time ago. Now it felt like a victorious figure, not only surviving the years but coming out on top. He walked over to the post and gave it a wack with his hand, very much like an athlete slapping his teammates ass after a good play. He leaned back against the pole and continued to think about Mirela. He felt himself falling for her right then and there. Feelings that were stronger than he had felt in years were swallowing his logical mind and he was succumbing to the romantically infatuous thoughts that wracked his brain. In sharp contrast to these thoughts were the events that transpired next. The earth beneath him seemed to sink down for a split second and then rocket back up again, spewing pieces of rock and dirt in all directions. The light post fell and pinned Mamet down as huge chunks of rock came raining down from the sky. As Mamets world went dark he looked up towards the sky. All he saw was a twinkle.

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